Every Minute You Wait Increases The Chance Of Losing Your Home. Stop Foreclosure Now With A Free 20-Minute Consultation.

Stop Stressing and talk to a Foreclosure Specialist. Claim Your Free 20-Minute No Obligation “Save Your Home” Consultation And Discover how You Can Finally Get The Greedy Bank Off Your Back And Beat Foreclosure Forever.

Call Now:

(858) 837-0667

Escape The Foreclosure Nightmare And Save Your Family Home From Greedy Lenders

Are you facing foreclosure? Then this could be the most important thing you will ever read. My name is Daniel Oropez and I’m a Certified Foreclosure Expert with Select Premier Properties where we help California residents stop foreclosure and save their homes.

Foreclosure is a nightmare – it can end marriages, tear families apart and leave you stranded with no place to go.  I have experience in Foreclosure personally and professionally. I know the pain, the worries, and the concerns. My team and I can help you escape that nightmare. We’ll implement a plan of action based on your needs which gets the bank off your back and allows you to keep your home.

Don't Panic... These 5 Steps Will Reveil Your Best Options

You’ll be shocked how many financial predators will try to take advantage of your desperate plight just to make a few quick bucks at the expense of you and your family.

Foreclosure is not only frightening, it’s incredibly confusing! We’ll reveal exactly how the process works and – most importantly – how you can fight it!

Don’t give up on your family home just yet – this simple strategy could turn things around and let you keep everything you’ve worked so hard to build!

The second you receive your notice of foreclosure you must take immediate action – this one technique can Stop the Foreclosure in its Tracks and save your home from the bank!

Give Yourself Some Breathing Space So You Can Get Your Life Back On Track

If you are like many Americans facing foreclosure due to a temporary hardship. Maybe you lost your job, suffered a serious illness, or simply fell behind due to Covid 19. Life can be difficult and sometimes it leaves you unprepared.

While the bank might not understand this, we do. You won’t receive any judgment when you deal with us. We simply focus on how to solve your problem, give you some breathing space and keep a roof over your head – so you have time to get your life back on track.

Beware Of Heartless Con Artists Who Will Prey On Your Desperate Situation For Their Personal Gain

Sadly, there are many criminals out there who will try and take advantage of your vulnerable position if you’re not careful. The moment you receive your notice of default, it becomes public record. That’s when the vultures line up to prey on you.

These dishonest scammers will try anything to benefit from your pain. Some will knock on your door and falsely claim to be representatives from your bank. Others will impersonate experts offering to help but insist on charging a fee up front which is completely illegal. Some might even persuade you to sign your home over to them. We can help you steer clear of these scams and protect your family home from predators.

Foreclosure Will Completely Destroy Your Credit Rating And Could Ruin Your Life For A Decade

If the bank forecloses on your home, you will not only lose your house, but your credit rating will be severely affected. Foreclosure stays on your credit report for 7-10 years, making it incredibly difficult to borrow money. Forget about buying another house – you will struggle just to get a credit card approved.

The worst part is there is nothing you can do to reverse your negative rating. The best course of action is to do something about it right now – before your situation spirals completely out of control.

Confused By The Foreclosure Process?

We’ll Guide You Every Step Of The Way

With so much conflicting information available, navigating the foreclosure process can be complicated. To make things clearer for you, here’s a quick outline:

There are two types of Foreclosures -- Judicial and Non-Judicial. The big question is, which one do you have? The longer you wait to take action, the worse it gets. Get in touch with us now and give yourself the best chance of saving your home.

Free 20-Minute No Obligation “Save Your Home” Strategy Consultation

Speak with one of our friendly and experienced foreclosure specialists today and

discover how to save your family home!

Daniel Oropez - Foreclosure Specialist

CA DRE # 01880257

Address: 419 W G St, San Diego CA 92101

Phone: (858) 837-0667

